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  • Writer's pictureOscar Martinez

I wish Power BI had/could... Ideas from a daily PBI user.

Updated: Jan 6

As a daily PBI user, I've constantly wished for additional features to simplify and streamline my work process. Despite the platform's impressive capabilities, I often think, "I wish Power BI had/could." This has led me to start this blog post, where I plan to document all my thoughts and ideas as they happen. Most of the issues I'll discuss are design, UI and UX related, as these are key areas where Power BI could significantly improve. Whether you're a fellow PBI professional developer or casual user, I hope my insights will prove informative and thought-provoking; welcome to this post: "I wish Power BI had/could... Ideas from a daily PBI user."

"I will include a link of the idea (existing or new) on the Fabric community, so you can vote and show your support for these features. Together, we can make Power BI an even better tool for everyone. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more ideas from a daily PBI user!"

Idea: I wish we could apply filters to groups in Power BI.

I am not a fan of creating combined visuals, but sometimes, there is the need to do so.

In this case, I had 16 groups, each made of three visuals plus a background shape; all visuals within the group shared the same visual filter.

Power BI report with visuals and a group
Applying filters to several visuals from groups can be very time-consuming.

My idea: I wish Power BI had de ability ability to apply a filter to a group instead of applying a filter to each element. In this case, I had to apply 48 visual filters instead of 16; this is exponential if you count the number of clicks needed to select between visuals.

Idea: I wish there were mobile-only elements.

While working on Power BI Mobile views, mobiles-only elements are not possible. What do I mean by mobile only? Currently, if we want to use an element in the Mobile view, it has to be visible in the Desktop view; the workaround is to position it behind a visible one on the desktop view.

Power BI Desktop in Mobile view.
Lack of "mobile-only" elements

For example, I want to use an image that will help as a navigation bar for mobile only. The logic says this image must be hidden in the desktop view and visible on the mobile; currently, there is no way to unhide it on the mobile view.

Idea: I wish the page navigator had accent bars and icons/image capabilities.

It is time-consuming to create modern navigation bars in the Power BI reports. The current approach involves creating different button versions for the different states in a design app like Figma.

Like the new card visual, I wish the page navigator could add an accent bar at the bottom, depending on the state. This would allow us to create sleek modern navigation pages with accent bars at the bottom.



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